RRB Para Medical Posts Application Process 2024 Step By Step in English
It is known that the central government has released a notification for filling up the vacant para medical posts in Indian Railway Hospitals across the country. Eligible candidates should apply for these posts from 17th August 2024 onwards. Now let us know the process of how to apply step by step through this article.
Step 1
First, we need to create a login ID to apply to RRB. If you have applied for jobs in RRB or RRB JE jobs before then you can login with your login ID and you can do this application. If you have never applied to RRB before then apply after creating a login ID first. Keep your mobile number and email ID handy while creating login ID.
Step 2
After the login ID is created, it will ask you to login. After you login, you will get a login as shown in the above picture. Select your zone and tick the box below and submit and you will be taken to the application form.
Step 3
It will ask you to check the given details one by one when you create your login id. You check and fill the details.
Step 4
After giving your personal information click on next button it will ask you other details see above picture.
Step 5
After giving other details now, you have to give your educational qualifications. Apart from that you have to give how many years of your experience in the concerned department
Step 6
After giving your qualifications, you need to upload your pass photograph and your signature. Both should be between 30 kb to 70 kb in size.
Step 7
Here if you have entered your details incorrectly it will show that you are not eligible even if there are no job vacancies related to your education in the zone you have selected. So apply only after fully reading the period B in the given notifications once.
Step 8
Once all the details you have given so far are correct or check and click on submit your application will be submitted.
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